General Fund

General Fund

$297 raised
  • Prayer.Global c/o Gospel Ambition
  • General
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

We know three things about our moment in history:

  1. Never before in history have we been able to coordinate global prayer for the kingdom IN REALTIME!
  2. God has used technology for the advance of His kingdom (i.e. written language, Roman roads, printing presses, etc.), and is now using the Internet.
  3. Extraordinary prayer is a foundational mark of all modern disciple multiplying movements.

Inspired by the Moravians, who prayed non-stop for 100 years, we have crafted this website to help the church pray for the entire world in measurable units, as a community, and to know at the end when we have finished ... and are ready to start another lap.

Once every location in the world has been prayed for (we finish a lap), then the prayer map resets, and we try to pray over the world again ... maybe faster.

The Moravians had one person praying every hour of every day for 100 years. This was roughly 876,000 hours of prayer, or 52,560,000 minutes of prayer for the world. We are humbled by this extraordinary commitment to praying for the world.

Project Owner

Prayer.Global c/o Gospel Ambition

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